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Join with us in praying for our region

Prayer changes everything! 

We invite you to stand with us and in agreement for revival in Maine. We want to see our region on fire for God again and your prayers will help make this vision a reality.

Host a Revival Event

Revival doesn't just happen!

We need willing people and available venues. Why don't you consider opening up your venue as a place to bring revival in your town. Please don't watch it happen somewhere else, see it happen in your area.
Help usher Revival into Maine
Make a Donation

Sowing and reaping is a biblical principle. If you are willing to sow into the Kingdom we will reap a kingdom kind of harvest, which means the lost will be saved. We thank you for your willingness to stand with us for revival and we believe God will bless your giving.
Helping God Usher Revival into Maine

 Partner with us in Helping God Usher Revival into Maine and receive a DVD of  Revival Maine Ministries TV Broadcast !
Support RM