Posted August 26th, 2008 

Revival Maine has been traveling to different locations throughout the state of Maine since June of 2008.  The response has been awesome from near and abroad. The meetings have been growing in numbers and the touch from heaven has been electrifying.

August 17th, 2008 we were in Belfast at the Belfast City Park. Also in August, we had a successful yard sale in Winterport at the Rose of Sharon/Haven of  Rest Home run by Rev. Laurie Hall. We have had an exciting time in fellowship and the awesome opportunity to share Jesus Christ with people of all walks of life.

We are continuing to line up more Crusades and will be keeping you updated via email, the events calendar or live broadcast of when and where they will be taking place

Love and Blessings in Christ,

Emmett E. Butts


Revival Updates

A word given from the Lord  to Revival Maine  at a powerful service
 Sept. 14, 2008

"Revival Maine, that is what I want to talk to you about. The Lord says don't let what is not
happening the way you imagine it to or as quickly as you imagine it.. derail you from the vision that God has given you. Keep your hand to the plow and don't look back. God says He's not done with this region and it's gonna take more than a local church here and a local church there.
He is actually raising up people with vision and empowering people to release into the atmosphere what's necessary for a move of God that will literally shake the infrastructure of this religious community. And God said to encourage you, it's gonna come from a very strange and odd place, it's not going to come from where people might think it would come from because of the history of this area.
But there is coming a new unity that will
strengthen and make a platform for the power of God will release so that the infighting and the territorial border establishing will come down."

Helping God Usher Revival into Maine
A word the Lord gave to Rev. Emmett Butts
 Aug. 21, 2009

The Lord took me to the book of Haggai ch. 1
Appeal to rebuild the Temple. He said to me that He will be rebuilding the Church (the body of Christ) and that there will be a major shaking up to cause His people to respond urgently to His voice.
Verse 14 "and the Lord Stirred up the Spirit."
The Lord is going to use a seemingly overtaking of Christianity or that God is being removed globaly.
The Lord shewed me Hagg. 2 where He talks about the glory of the second temple and a date.
Hagg. 2:6,7 For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a  little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth and the sea and the dry land; And I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts. v. 9 goes on to say "The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace."
I believe the Temple the Lord is speaking of here is the Church body. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
The beginning of this rebuilding of the the Church the Lord gave me was out of Hagg. 2:10 "In the four and twentieth day of the ninth month." 9/24/2010.
We are in exciting times according to the Word of God.
I believe these are the days of Elijah!!!
Revival Maine Ministries  TV Show

Revival Maine Ministries now has a half hour tv program focusing on Revival with many special guests interviews, teachings, music, and traveling throughout the state of Maine showing clips of  concerts, meetings and Revival taking place.

Every Sunday at 9:00 AM
Belfast Community TV
Public Access Cable ch 2
Waldo County, Maine

Revival Updates

The Lord gave Revivalist Emmett Butts a vision in 2004 of a GREAT AWAKENNING to take place in the body of Christ, the Church. Denominational borders, splits, territories, jealousy, lack of restoration, back-biting, gossip and all the gosgel says is unrighteous within the body was going to be exposed and dealt with because these are the las...t of days. ALL of the prophecies before Christ returns for an unblemmish pure bride HAVE BEEN FULFILLED. Recently within the last couple months the Lord had shewn me this is the year! 2011 is going to be the year God is calling us out for righteousness and reverence to Him. He is sifting the wheat of the body to reveal the true prophets, teachers and true deciples of His and the false prophets, teachers and those who proclaim they are true followers of Christ will be exposed. The sheep and the goats will be seperated by a fence that some of the church has been sitting on. This fence represents the "Grey Area Gospel", watered down gospel of complaicancy, luke warm christains. We will be held accountable for eniquity, hate or unforgiveness towards ANY. This is also the year of repentance. It says in Proverbs not to forsake the ancient landmarks of our fathers. It also says in 1st John if we have any unforgiveness or anger towards our brother or sister in Christ, we are murderers. In Psalm 66, David says if we have any eniquity towards ANYONE, God in Heaven will not hear our prayers. I want God to hear my prayers for those I have been praying for. Amen? 
Love and Blessings in Christ!
Rev. Emmett E. Butts

There is more to this vision the Lord has given Emmett for this time and season to share with the church.
To have Rev. Emmett Butts to minister, teach and to impart at an event or church, Please contact us at Revival Maine Ministries.
Great Awakening pt 1
Great Awakening pt 2
Great Awakening pt 3
Great Awakening pt 4
UNITE & IGNITE for REVIVAL Internationl
LIVE BROADCAST Starting June 1st, 7:00PM EST!!!